Sunday 9 June 2013

Topic - On The Farm

We had a fantastic trip to Quanterness Farm to experience life ‘On the Farm’ first hand! We had a great afternoon, we met cows, a calf, we saw sheep being sheared, we met ‘Tam’ the sheepdog and we saw a big Aberdeen Angus bull too! After that we took turns in William’s new tractor, it was a bit of a climb up but we managed! To finish the visit we saw a chicken and we all had a chance to stroke her and feel her soft feathers! A great day out.

Topic - On The Farm

For our topic ‘On the Farm’ we have been learning about the life cycle of chickens. We discovered how a hen makes then lays and egg and how the baby chick develops inside the shell. We were delighted to discover that a pupil had been incubating eggs at school and we went to see the newly born chicks!

Monday 18 March 2013

Outdoor Learning

We have been taking advantage of the nice weather and doing a lot of learning outdoors. We started with some orienteering activities and last week we even did a literacy lesson up at Muddisdale. We had to read clues with a partner, then go and hunt to find the right answers which were hidden under cones! There were even some ‘red herrings’ thrown in to keep us guessing!

Here we are enjoying outdoor learning!


World Book Day

It was World Book Day last week and Primary 4 offered to come and read to us. But we also asked if we could read to them too! Here we are sharing stories together.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Literacy - Writing

We have been learning about Shrove Tuesday. We learnt that this is the last day before the period which Christians call ‘lent’. Shrove Tuesday usually falls around 40 days before Easter and marks a period of time when Christians give some things up. Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to use up foods not allowed during lent, and indulge. This is how the tradition of making pancakes arose and we often refer to Shrove Tuesday as Pancake day!

To celebrate, we decided to make our own pancakes, and to link in with our writing, we had to write down the recipe we tried out. He we are in the kitchen making, and enjoying our pancakes!

First we added 1 cup of flour and a table spoon of sugar to a bowl and mixed.
Then we gradually added 1 egg and a cup of milk stirring all the time.
Next we added a spoonful of the mixture into a hot pan and cooked it.
Last we sprinkled sugar on the top!

Friday 15 February 2013


This term we have been learning about the Chinese New Year. We found out that 2013 is the year of the Snake and the celebrations began last Sunday. We learned about the animals in the Chinese Zodiac. Most of us were born in 2006 which was the year of the Dog .


We made some chinese dragons and lanterns which are usually on display in the streets when the celebrations take place. We also found China on the map and looked at the flag. It is a much bigger country than Scotland.

Mr and Mrs Lam came to talk to us about Chinese New Year and we shared what we had learned with them. After that we tried to do some chinese writing it was quite tricky as the Chinese symbols are quite different to the letters we use in our writing.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

P.E - Gymnastics

We have started to learn gymnastics in P.E. We will be learning to jump from apparatus and land safely, to make movements on the floor and perform them on or up against, or coming off apparatus, and to hold balances in a controlled manner.

We are really enjoying using the equipment and have lots of fun! Here we are in action!


As part of our new project, we are exploring different materials. We have been learning about the differences between man-made and natural materials. We have also been thinking about what the different types of materials could be used for.

We have been learning about wood, metal, glass, plastic and cloth.

We decided that wood is good for making houses and boats and we also discovered that many things are made from plastic, we found lots of things in our classroom! We also explored how materials feel and discovered some materials are strong, bendy and soft.

We were then given a challenge – we had to build a tower - the tallest one wins! And the materials we were given.....Spaghetti and Marshmallows!

We worked hard at this challenge and spent lots of time problem solving! We learnt that one strand of spaghetti wasn’t strong enough, we decided we needed to start with a strong base, and most of all, that there are many other more suitable materials we could use to build a tall, strong tower!!!! We had a lot of fun and the Bee’s won the challenge with a tower of 500mm high! The best bit was eating our towers at the end of the challenge!!!