Saturday 16 February 2013

Literacy - Writing

We have been learning about Shrove Tuesday. We learnt that this is the last day before the period which Christians call ‘lent’. Shrove Tuesday usually falls around 40 days before Easter and marks a period of time when Christians give some things up. Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to use up foods not allowed during lent, and indulge. This is how the tradition of making pancakes arose and we often refer to Shrove Tuesday as Pancake day!

To celebrate, we decided to make our own pancakes, and to link in with our writing, we had to write down the recipe we tried out. He we are in the kitchen making, and enjoying our pancakes!

First we added 1 cup of flour and a table spoon of sugar to a bowl and mixed.
Then we gradually added 1 egg and a cup of milk stirring all the time.
Next we added a spoonful of the mixture into a hot pan and cooked it.
Last we sprinkled sugar on the top!


  1. Lucky you getting to make pancakes! I bet they were good. I hope you wrote down the recipe carefully, so as you can make them at home. Caroline(Erin's mum)

  2. Yum yum pancakes my favourite. Lenore (William's mum)

  3. What a lot of exciting learning in P2T. Lots to find out about from Chinese New Year, lent, science and gymnastics.

    Keep up the good learning P2T.

    Mrs Miller

  4. was it exciting
