Tuesday 27 November 2012

International Education

We are working with Class 2F doing some work on International Education. We have got in touch with a school in Perth Australia and have sent an Orkney mascot to them.

This is Olaf we sent him to Australia to have a holiday. We put lots of stuff with him in the box that we posted. We sent things like shells, and a booklet about Orkney with Olaf.


  1. Lucky Olaf going off on holiday to a nice warm, dry country. I do hope he is having a nice time and is telling all the boys and girls over there about life in Orkney. I hope when he returns he brings back some Australian things for you all to see. I love all the drawings, stories and things you sent with him. Well done P2! Caroline(Erin's mum)

  2. Wow a holiday for Olaf sound's fab! I wonder what he's doing? I bet he'll be being good! I wish I could go with him next time, lucky Olaf will probably be on the beach and be having a little swim! I wonder what Olaf will bring back with him from Australia? Laura (Erin's big sister) P5
